2015: « Targeted Individuals » are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal Clandestine, Classified « Top Secret » MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

2015: « Targeted Individuals » are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal Clandestine, Classified « Top Secret » MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare.

Une réflexion sur “2015: « Targeted Individuals » are Non-Consensual Subjects in Criminal Clandestine, Classified « Top Secret » MKULTRA-Extended Mind & Behavior Control/Torture Experimentation by Joint Military/Intel/Justice/Academic Institutions, as well as Targets of COINTELPRO and Electronic Warfare

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